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Over the years many of my clients, including my personal experience have talked about the discomfort to even painful experiences while doing DEEP personal development and spiritual work. Just because you’re on this journey doesn’t mean that all you have to do is follow the Yellow Brick road with a smile on your face and arrive to “enlightenment”. Even Dorthy from The Wizard of Oz story encountered hindrances and adversaries: The witch that wanted to steal from Dorthy, the flying monkeys that lead her to being captured and she was even delayed by the poppy field!…. all while trying to her arrive to her destination.
So, while on the personal development road, you will meet your dark side…and need to confront your demons, so to speak. Your “demons” are attributes/traits of yourself that you either don’t like or pretend that do not exist. Your demons are also triggers from past trauma or negative experiences or allowances given to you by others (rather than making you accountable). People will always be your best actor. They play a significant role for you in order to further self-healing. Your dark side will always manifest within your relationships of all kinds, from the boss at work to your most intimate relationships. Those outwardly manifestations called problems or issues need resolution. Avoiding them will not help you evolve and grow.
The Personal development journey is designed to do the very thing that you are reluctant to do. The road to authenticity is designed to enable you to take a deep look at yourself honestly. It sheds false pretenses and moves you constantly forward to freedom.
That is part of your journey and you cannot escape it if you indeed want to grow.
“There’s no place like home” is true and your “Home” is your authentic self. This is a destination of sorts… but not as you perceive it, but rather a continuous yellow brick road that leads to more self-awareness and a unique sense of freedom. I can’t tell you what that looks like for you specifically because it’s your journey. But, what I can tell you is that it’s a rewarding and self-fulfilling place to come to precisely because your awareness is the change agent!
Personal Development coaches are like fairy god mothers….we don’t tell you what to do, however we help you empower yourself. We guide you to YOUR home.
Keep going! Keep strong…find people that support, encourage and help you be accountable to your actions and words.
Some questions to contemplate: What areas in my life am I reluctant to confront? What negative experiences keep showing up in my life that needs to be resolved? With whom am I not being accountable to? Do I always blame others for my misbehavior? And if so, when am I going to be brave to look within myself?
For more info, contact Sandra at:
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The post “Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!” by Sandra Rojo appeared first on Journey to Authentic Living.