Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

image by Sandra Rojo- Venetian Door. Venice, Italy
“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all for himself/herself or get all the credit for doing it” – Andrew Carnegie 

I don’t want to sound negative, but lately, I have been disheartened to hear about people not giving credit to others who helped them achieve their goal or personal development.
Although a person may work hard and may have the money to facilitate and achieve greater distances, they didn’t arrive at their success alone. They didn’t overcome alone.
I see all kinds of “individual-ism” but part of a person’s achievement always involves a number of people, hired or not! Giving credit to others for helping you achieve desired results is a sign of maturity, leadership, humility and gratitude.
I chose the closed door photo as a motif for this blog because eventually those who do not give credit to well deserved persons will close upon their credibility and integrity. Sooner or later it catches up.
Think of all the people on your journey that have helped you and continue to help you evolve: family, friends, therapists, teachers, mentors, instructors, neighbors, coaches, etc…and the list goes on.
When you overcome a problem, when you have a mind-shift, a breakthrough. When someone lends you a hand, their time, their money, their support- they deserve credit.
I cannot imagine all my achievements as a human being (not just in education, but as a person), had it not been for so many people in my life.  I don’t walk around life and around my clients boasting and believing that I am who I am without the counseling, coaching, mentoring, friendship and parenting that I’ve had…and it’s still occurring! So, in my opinion one cannot achieve personal development in whatever life’s arena just by themselves.

How else do you evolve if not with others to assist you along?
I wish the kindness of giving credit was more prevalent in today’s world and because of this, I encourage you to see where you could extend some generosity by giving credit to someone by name and do it periodically. Make it a kind habit. It’ll make the mentioned person not only feel valued (even if you paid for help) but also, Y-O-U demonstrate greatness as a person.

Encouraging You to Live Authentically,
Coach Sandra

**Please help me spread my message and share this blog with people you know could benefit, thank you!

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Copyright © Sandra Rojo. All rights reserved.

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